Gas ionization

美 [ɡæs ˌaɪənəˈzeɪʃn]英 [ɡæs ˌaɪənaɪˈzeɪʃn]
  • n.气体电离(作用)
Gas ionizationGas ionization
  1. A measure method of the time respond function for gas ionization chamber


  2. Theoretical study of producing plasma of ozone by gas ionization discharge


  3. The relative standard system for radon measurement by internal gas ionization chamber


  4. Dynamic simulations on initial process of the gas ionization by cathode explosive emission electrons


  5. At last , from the gas ionization potential , several methods to reduce the firing voltage are discussed .


  6. Parent ~ + ion was produced by splitting argon with anode gas ionization source .


  7. Above this density , microwave field will damp rapidly , so the gas ionization is mainly on the surface .


  8. The traditional detecting method is based on the strong gas ionization current , which will destroy the nano structure of the electrode .


  9. In quick scanning radiography system , the time respond speed of array gas ionization chamber effects the image clarity directly .


  10. Ceramic - to-Metal Seal in Gas Ionization Detector


  11. A gas ionization chamber for indentification of isobars in AMS


  12. However , the research on the CNTs gas ionization sensors is just at the beginning stage and there are some basic questions need to be studied .


  13. A transverse field gas ionization chamber for particle identification at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou ( RIBLL ) is described .


  14. The TOF , multi-anode gas ionization chamber , Bragg and X-ray detectors in accelerator mass spectrometry are described .


  15. Building the mathematic model of seed vaporization and gas ionization is the key to realize the numerical modeling of pulverized-coal combustion process in MHD combustor .


  16. The recent progress in gas ionization detectors , solid and gas scintillator counters semiconductor detectors and quantum microcalorimeter abroad are described in this paper .


  17. The stability of the welding arc depends mainly on the voltage and the gas ionization when current zero-crossing as well as the electron emission ability of the electrode .


  18. There are many unsolved problems in conventional DBD gas ionization technique , resulting in lower gas ionizability , which cannot be used in non-equilibrium plasma chemistry .


  19. In the case of welding with a small current , the temperature and the degree of gas ionization can even be increased by adding a current pulse just before the polarity exchange .


  20. The voltage and gas ionization with current zero-crossing and the electron emission ability of the electrode are the principal factors of re-ignition of alternating-current welding arc .


  21. Active agents had an important impact on both physical process of the arc electrode gas ionization and electron emission . Active substances reduced the Ionization voltage , and stabled the welding arc .


  22. In this work , dark discharge current of gas ionization sensor and the character of the pulse current after breakdown were studied other than the decrease of breakdown voltage and breakdown current value , which were main methods for previous research .


  23. The theory of SEEA is based on the insulator 's surface emitted secondary electrons when bombarded by electron , includes the process of electron-simulated desorption ( ESD ), the process of desorption gas ionization and the process of the ion influencing the flashover .


  24. Studies on Argon Microwave Plasma Torch as Gas Chromatographic Ionization Detector


  25. Gas Filled Ionization Chamber With Longitudinal Electric Field for Experimental Measurement of Heavy Ion Nuclear Reaction


  26. High gas pressurized ionization chamber ;


  27. A new gauge described in this paper is based on the electrostatic saddle field confinement which is capable of producing long electron paths and consequently efficient gas phase ionization .


  28. A method for separation and determination of sulfur compounds in catalytic diesel oil by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector-sulfur chemiluminescence detector ( GC-FID-SCD ) was established .


  29. Standard redox potentials , gas phase ionization / affinity potentials and charge density distributions of some reagents were calculated by DFT method . As sensitizers , NQS is more active than NQ .


  30. Objective : After samples being pretreated by solid-phase extraction ( SPE ) technique , two analytical methods of gas chromatography-flame ionization detection ( GC-FID ) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS ) for determination of nicotine and its metabolite cotinine in human 's urine were proposed .
